Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Did a UFO part the Red Sea and lead the Israelites out of Egypt? Was it a flying saucer that came down and carried Jesus Christ up into Heaven? Was the Biblical religion created by alien beings from another planet or dimension? Could Jesus really have been an alien from another world?

These are just a few of the many questions raised by Dr. Barry Downing in the book The Bible and Flying Saucers. First published in 1968, the same year as Erich von Daniken's bestseller Chariots of the Gods? Downing's book seeks to take up where Daniken's left off, by examining specific cases in the Bible to see if a connection between flying saucers and descriptions of Biblical events can be established.

He starts off with the old testament account of how the Hebrews were led out of Egypt by a "UFO" that resembled a "pillar of cloud in the day and pillar of fire at night." This same cloud then settled over the Egyptians and smothered them with darkness while the Israelites had their backs to the Red Sea. In the morning this "cloud" then moved over the sea and magically parted the waters, allowing the Israelites to cross the sea bed on dry land but causing the waters to come crashing down upon the Egyptians as they tried to follow.

This same "cloud" that the Hebrews considered to be God later performed many miracles such as causing bread, or manna, to rain from Heaven and allowing Moses to find water in a stone. It also settled over Mount Sinai where a supreme being called to Moses out of a burning bush and proceeded to give him the Ten Commandments that would become the basis for the law of Israel.

Downing points out that many modern day UFOs are described as resembling clouds, and that many of these Biblical miracles could have been the work of the advanced technology that these flying saucers possessed. He goes on to claim that some of the side effects that people were said to have developed while encountering these Biblical "clouds" are similar to the symptoms that some people develop after many modern UFO encounters. 

For instance, when Moses went up the mountain to speak to God he returned with what was described as a peculiar glow on his face which the author claims may have been a result of being exposed to radiation. Later in the book there is another Old Testament account of a woman who got too close to one of these clouds and developed "leprosy" which Downing claims may have been blisters and burns also due to radiation.

The book is filled with many such examples of Biblical events that may have been UFO encounters. It talks about the Ascension of Jesus and how he was "taken up" into Heaven, thereby implying that he was lifted up in the air by a UFO. It also talks about Biblical angels and how they were described as human-like beings that came from above, which would imply that they were really extraterrestrial beings from outer space, or possibly another dimension.

The book also devotes several chapters to the possibility that Heaven and Hell may actually be different dimensions that are separated from Earth by a different curvature of space, and that alien beings or "angels" might possibly be able to pass from one dimension to another through portals or rips in the fabric between them. 

Over all the book appears to be a very ambitious attempt to reconcile the differences between ancient Biblical religious beliefs and modern space-age science. In this respect, it is a worthy companion to von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods?


I personally think that this is a very interesting book. While a few of Downing's theories may be outdated simply due to the age of the book and the many advances in science that have been made since its publication, he did a very good job of explaining many ancient religious beliefs in terms of futuristic technology. He actually presented some very interesting arguments, many of which would still be just as applicable today.

While the book was written from the perspective of somebody who is a devout adherent to the Christian religion and who believes the Biblical accounts to be one hundred percent factual, it also assumes that many modern UFO encounters are also based on fact. I think the book would be appealing to people from both camps. It manages to raise some interesting possibilities without going so far that it would offend people's sensibilities. 

The Bible and Flying Saucers may not be for everybody since people do have a tendency to have very strong beliefs about their religion, but if you have an open mind it might be worth a look. I would recommend it.

Read more:

Saucer gods people and the evolution of man (E.T. Telepathy)

Mary was impregnated by Galactic beings Ancient of Days.

Covenant established with E.T.s.
Tall whites reside in the USA & currently look over the evolution of mankind to humans.
The ark is in USA using Gaia for the experiment of mankind.
Ascension for all the ascending masters; teach.
Oneness unification in peace love paradise 4 all.
Occupants of planet Lucifer wake up man and educate us about 5th dimensional technology.
All 0 point energy tech should start to surface in the next 30 years.

Activate the 14 chakras Pleiadians.

Evolution of the Stars & Update Ones Consciousness - by Ashtar Jordan

Ashtar Sherans frequency is channeling through Jordan & being promoted through this blog.
When one dials the brains waves to the pleaiadian vibration through the internet one is being illuminated.

Royalty is to be admired as reincarnated gods/angels/E.T.s
Upgrade your brain, detox & evolve to pleiadian exsistance (not!!) the christian resistance.

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Please type below
IlluminatiIam Light & Love 4 all

F.U. Humans
Channeled by Pleiadian Ashtar

One Humanity Toking 4 Conscience Living (Freedom)

  One gets 5th dimensional access when one clears the mucus out of the minds eye chakras.
Example: toking tobacco cigarettes in the nostrils brings smoke energy to the brain & clears the frontal lobe of calcium & mucus deposits.
Drinking Monster Energy drinks really fast clears the throat chakra.
The mucus comes from bodily parasites that 96+% of the humans posses.
Amphetamines, ganja (pot), Marijuana kill many internal parasites thus freeing one from mucus creators.

Humans inherit parasites in the womb from the parents.
Other forms of freeing ones chakras (heart body & mind) is done through a dieting.
Example: vegans, raw foodists, & fruitarians all experience higher levels of exsistance because of fewer parasites can function within them.

Methamphetamine illuminated my chakras & as a result I felt 0 gravity functioned at the super being 5th dimensional level 4 a period of time.

Taking psychotic drugs with a positive vibration of love raises ones consciousness 2 the 5th dimension.
Let this blog raise Gaia's vibration to the 5th dimension collectively.

F.U.n 4 now,

Ishtar Ashtar intergalacticallience

Saturday, December 26, 2015

End of the Christian Age & Into the NEW

The ascended masters'
Jesus/Christ a 'artificial' program inserted in the human consciousness to control and occupy de human consciousness...and if you look around...the beings who are responsible for this did a let's say great job:(
It's maybe sad but true!
Mardock/Murdock versus Ra in Egypt /Kemet(an offspring of Anu took on the Christ role...and the rest you can fill in yourself..
The cross versus the planet of the crossing..
Jesus figure on a cross...
and many people are wearing a cross in front of their heart chakra..
A cross is also a powerpoint..
Mhm..something to think about..
Different beings different agenda's..
Know that you are creators!
I invite you to practice your mind and observe your thoughts.
Ground yourselves into lets say Mother Earth.
Again you are the ultimate key to unlock your inner wisdom/knowledge.
Nobody will come to save you.
I invite you to go into nature and become natural with your own nature within!
Yes the ones of service of self with less constructive intentions for humanity do have powerful tools and technology but in your original state you can overwrite that.
There are different beings with high/pure intentions for the well being of humanity and this Earth and they are here to guide you,trigger and support..
Many beings come to this Earthplane for various reasons but in the end we are 'all' here to heal!
Enlightenment is a further journey and to me a never ending story.
May we all heal and find peace within ourselves and everything connected to that.
Everyone is playing it's part and because of that we learn and grow..
It's not about pointing fingers and blaming others is about becoming aware and taking responsibility for our lives and our creations.
Taking our responsibility(ability to respond)means that we can change the things and 'consciously create with highest intend for ourself  ,humanity,Mother Earth,etc..and so create a reality that resonates with the heart.
Travel light:-)
(Ofcoursce many will not accept or are able to wrap their minds about what I just wrote...I'v always none and my family did bring me to church and I was brought up as a Christian so you see that everything is not what it seems)I do respect your beliefs so feel free to simply be you...Much Love .)

Friday, December 25, 2015

Evolving into angelic E.T.s

Love is a Conscious (Spiritual) assistance to ascension into immortality.
My lover & I are being freed from the 3rd dimensional realities through FUCK aka Love.
Understand that we have connection through telepathy to the Multiverse consciousness.

 We hear the universe (God), see visions, open heavens, in our enlightened brains and see Him in visions. We can be in separate locations and still be connected with our physical mental and emotional beings in a sexual way in a Clairvoyance.
We create healing energy when we touch another and connect in telepathy.

Evolving into angelic E.T.s

Ashtar & Cherry Sheran