Sunday, February 14, 2016

Flying Planets & Creator Gods of the Past

Earth used to fly like a space ship through the blue for there was no darkness in the beginning. each planet could move at great speeds and had many perfect civilizations on them. Always day and always active the Humans created organic natural things like plants, trees & animals just by thinking about them and then speaking them into exsistance.

The first Humans were God-men. & each one was able to created by the thought than spoken Word process.  

Monday, February 8, 2016

Seer Prophet Tells of Vision of Conscious Revolution of Creation

In the Spirit pleiadians can see translucent bodies that can change to any color via thought. When one thinks of something it is the beginning of the creation process. After the thought a pleiadian chooses to speak this into reality or not.

A pleiadian thinks, speaks, nature into exsistance. When thought of trees can spring up from seed and bear fruit in seconds. Everything is very fast in the pleiadian realm of consciousness. Humans have pleiadian in their dna. We also have chakras that when active amazing miracles can take place. The more light that is illuminating through the chakras the faster the thoughts manifest.

Humans shape-shift in higher dimensions.

Earth used to be perfect! & it shall be perfect again. With everyone receiving pleiadian consciousness which is free from war, famon, sickness disease & aging. There was no law of gravity. Ppl could fly around like supermen & woman and with the eyes create anything desired with the chakra energy.    

a channeling of ASHTAR