Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Opened up 3rd & 4th eye chakras & saw everyone shapeshifting in accordance to their dna

Monday, January 11, 2016

Illuminating Love in the 5th dimension

Illuminating Love in the 5th dimension


Please click on the above links for more... or copy paste the links below;_ylt=A0SO81zuhpRWUYAARzTrFAx.;_ylc=X1MDMjExNDcyMTAwMwRfcgMyBGZyA3lmcC10LTcxNQRncHJpZANRWXl2S2xCTlRPbWJrWFl5dVNWNl9BBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwMwBG9yaWdpbgNjYS5zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDBHFzdHJsAzQyBHF1ZXJ5A0knbSBpbGx1bWluYXRpbmcgbG92ZSBpbiB0aGUgNXRoIGRpbWVuc2lvbgR0X3N0bXADMTQ1MjU3NDQyNg--?p=I%27m+illuminating+love+in+the+5th+dimension&

Conscious Evolution from Arcturi

Arcturians are known for their power of healing.  This is what defines
Arcturians as an amazing race among the cosmic worlds; however,
Arcturians are able to accomplish such majestic powers through the aid of
their mastery of the conscious mind.  Many call the Arcturian way an art of
the mind, and rightfully so.  Through channeling's, Arcturians have sent the
message to the
starseeds of Earth and have begun a movement that can
no longer be stopped.  Arcturians have declared their intentions and have
slowly worked to prepare all earthly beings to connect with the higher forces
of the infinite intelligence that gives them the very power we marvel at.

Behold, the dawn of the Conscious Evolution that has already begun, and
the wheels of angelic poetry are beginning to unfold before our eyes!
Conscious Evolution is our emergence into the realm of all that is known
and unknown.  Through the ages man has evolved physically and now we
begin our evolution of the mind.

 Consciousness is the capacity of the mind to be aware. In this context, it
includes all the interior dimensions and capacities of life that can, among
other things, help us deal successfully with our changing world by sensing,
understanding and creatively, collaboratively relating to the entities,
interactions, and conditions in and around us.

This is the movement that cannot be stopped and has already captured the
minds of millions who seek the awe inspiring
 power that Arcturians attempt
to convey to us. Our conscious minds are now beginning to understand the
power of awareness and the keen sense of the power we have to control
our minds, bodies, and spirits. 

 HAS CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION JUST STARTED?Although the Arcturian movement of conscious awareness may be new to
you, conscious evolution has continued throughout our history; however,

today we have become AWARE. This awareness will beget the acceleration of our consciousness and how we view the
world around us.  Conscious Evolution is not only a fact or a state of mind, but a REVOLUTION! This is a revolution of
the mind, a swift sensation moving the lives and minds of people all over the world!
THE ARCTURIAN ALIEN MOVEMENTThis is the movement, this is the revolution.  Prepare your minds, bodies and souls for the change of a lifetime! This is a
movement of the Conscious Mind, this is the beginning of the road to the celestial heights that allow our teachers access
to the great powers of the Universe. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Pleiadian (S) star 2016 Jordan Hanson

Telepathic music 2016 sing PLEIADIAN COMING SOON

DreamOpath Song Jordan 2016

Key G-
G- D- F+ C
Deep bass like roar kp or paradise cp
like i see U when Ur not here like I know U when ur not near
U say U're daydreaming of me
while I'm daydreaming of U.

Like telepathy, oooo oohhh

The Stars communicate on level that makes us appreciate
the Love that comes within to co-create humanity
These energies r so insane, one can fly without a plane
Moving up now, Oh moving up.
Gonna show who has the stuff...
The miles that separate mean nothing for this day
black is white & white is black
& together we make grey



I am empty but I'm satisfied,
with you r love will never die
connected with telepathy,
u & I will always be

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Time Travel on a Pleiadian Saucer

There is a time on planet Gaia (earth) that there is no war, sickness, famine, death. The entire planet is a garden paradise & civilization on it all speak one language & live as superhumans.
In the pleiadian starships one can travel to this time period which apparently is redundant.

We are in a game or matrix.

One is what One makes Oneself to be

The Human is the product of what the human has been programmed. Like computers there are applications after applications of of programs running in the background of the Human body.
These apps can be modifies & or replaced by newer versions of the software.
When one starts to change a program like what one desires to eat removing the old app can be difficult. When humans use their imaginations to visualize the new software & focus on the new intently it assists in replacing the old.

Humans brains are composed of organic plastic & electrical circuits. This means that they can change shape, form, & circuits that were inactive can become active again. Working out the brain like working out the body can raise ones intelligence at any age. There are many herbs & some drugs that increase the brains speed & intellect.

Stay tuned for more on this subject.
Nano quantum technologies inc.
Pleiadians 2016

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

5 Reasons to loose weight

1. Helps a lot when looking for a girlfriend/boyfriend.
2. It's easier on your knees.
3. You will live longer.
4. You will be more comfortable.
5. You will be able to move more quickly with far less effort than it now takes you to move slowly.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Omnipresent Omnipotent Telepathic Humans from the Future (Illuminating chakras)

Humans have so many locked up abilities.
A human can be in multiple places at the same time as well as multiple bodies. Chakras within & above the body permit one to direct light energy from the consciousness into the air like radio waves. So in a sense when one activates certain chakras that body is able to perform miracles or magic.

Sunday, January 3, 2016 T H E S T R O N G E S T K N O W L E D G E 4 main reasons you should loose weight & reverse age


All about illuminating the 14 chakras.
Active chakras give us humans more energy & ability to use superpowers like telepathy, telekinesis & thought teleportation.
We have a magnetic field around our bodies (aura) that when the energy centers or chakras are functioning according to our original Pleiedian design we can FLY LIKE SUPERMAN.

Many like you are experiencing dreams of flight. Those dreams can become your reality.
Learn what you can about ascension.
A link to more on diet for ascension click here:

Pleiadian Ashtar channeled by Jordan

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Activating the Chakras

Activated chakras give one higher senses of pleasure. One is able to feel others energies, live without food or drink & experience many paranormal or super abilites.
Dream of flying like superman. 0 gravity and magnetic polarization is possible through illuminated chakra energy.
There are many herbs and psychotic substances & powders that bring this into current reality. Ingesting or snorting cocain or pot enlightens one with chakra energy.

illuminated chakras

Experienced telepathy last night with my bride to be and my nurse.
As white as a ghost & was projecting thoughts into humans brains.
Herb marijuana illuminated my chakras enough that others felt my energy, the warm sensation over my body that was detoxing or draining the grease & grim build up under my skin & in my muscles.

nurses contacted doctor & he took away my fresh air brakes because I took a toke from Cherry.
Pupils were very dilated & they assumed I used crystal meth.
They were so dilated from snorting the marijuana joint up my nose.
Another note is that I was in a limited sense controlling the reality & the people (nature) around me.

Cherry spoke about a car in the distance being a cop car. I saw an ordinary car for 3 seconds then it shape shifted into a police car & then back again.

It is possible that ones chakras illuminating activates superman or HUman abilities such as:
Time Travel etc...