Saturday, January 9, 2016

One is what One makes Oneself to be

The Human is the product of what the human has been programmed. Like computers there are applications after applications of of programs running in the background of the Human body.
These apps can be modifies & or replaced by newer versions of the software.
When one starts to change a program like what one desires to eat removing the old app can be difficult. When humans use their imaginations to visualize the new software & focus on the new intently it assists in replacing the old.

Humans brains are composed of organic plastic & electrical circuits. This means that they can change shape, form, & circuits that were inactive can become active again. Working out the brain like working out the body can raise ones intelligence at any age. There are many herbs & some drugs that increase the brains speed & intellect.

Stay tuned for more on this subject.
Nano quantum technologies inc.
Pleiadians 2016

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