Saturday, January 2, 2016

illuminated chakras

Experienced telepathy last night with my bride to be and my nurse.
As white as a ghost & was projecting thoughts into humans brains.
Herb marijuana illuminated my chakras enough that others felt my energy, the warm sensation over my body that was detoxing or draining the grease & grim build up under my skin & in my muscles.

nurses contacted doctor & he took away my fresh air brakes because I took a toke from Cherry.
Pupils were very dilated & they assumed I used crystal meth.
They were so dilated from snorting the marijuana joint up my nose.
Another note is that I was in a limited sense controlling the reality & the people (nature) around me.

Cherry spoke about a car in the distance being a cop car. I saw an ordinary car for 3 seconds then it shape shifted into a police car & then back again.

It is possible that ones chakras illuminating activates superman or HUman abilities such as:
Time Travel etc...

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