Tuesday, November 4, 2014

We were gods, Ascending Out of Western Civilization into Eden

Now that my Third Eye is being detoxed I see the true potential of every human being. There are so many things that western civilization does that short circuits many natural functions within the body.
Food for example is messing up the humans juicing system that was designed for absorbing juicy fruit flesh. Clothing messes up the bodies magnetic field that enables levitation and bodily flight. Shoes and pavement disconnect us from drawing quantum energies from the earth. Chemical in soaps, makeup and perfumes make us irritated and nervous. Salt and fats makes our skin swell up and eyes get puffy. Malnutrition from loss of ability to absorb nutrition causes wrinkles...

Aging and health issues mainly are present in westernized societies. Aboriginal cultures in India and Australia, where only fruit is consumed ascend into higher levels of consciousness where eventually they can ascend with their physical body (dissipate) into higher dimensions.
I am ready to go!
P.S. heat = energy and the body absorbing heat can be using in reverse aging, ad healing energies :)
If anyone wants to join me in going to a tropical climate please leave me a message in the comments below or google plus.


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