Sunday, September 27, 2015

I, Ashtar, open the portal gateway for the Galactic Federation Illuminati

You can't merge the Brotherhood of the Snake with the gfol or are they already united? The intergalactic alliance wishes to network all beings, organizations of the milky way. There will be no more war in the milky way very soon. I am commander and chief Ashtar Sheran known on earth as Micheal Light

Time travel in the Mind

Yes one can time travel in your mind by seeing the past and future.
This ability becomes more active for the raw foodists the fruitarians and breatharian since their mind is becoming empowered by the higher energies that are able to flow through it

The more you time time travel the more you may realize that much of what you haven't told about the past is inaccurate

Living Solo on Consciousness, Consciousarian

When a Consciousness is continually telepathically connected to Divine Co-Creators Consciousness is energized and is totally satisfied with the Divine as the energy source.

Consciousarians move around objects with their minds, teleport from planet to planet...

This is the Arcturians Channeled by Ashtar Sheran

Friday, September 25, 2015

Hear the voices of our Subonscious Minds. Predict Emotions and thoughts of others / Telepathy

There are your thoughts and emotions then the thoughts of others that enter your consciousness. One can hear the subconscious thoughts of others as quiet voices.

E.T.s such as Ashtar Sherans higher consciousness is accessible to all.

Shape Shifting Reality (You may be Reptilian)

What we believe about our world leaders in the overall consciousness has a huge influence on who are world leaders shape shift into. They have reptilian DNA and reptilian parts of the brain, but so do we. We can decrease this DNA and shrink the reptilian part of the brain just by changing are thinking and our diet. Over 90% of the humans on earth hybrids or interbred with other species of aliens ETS from across the universe.
Reptilian part of the brain is mainly responsible for fear based control and manipulation. This is what is called the third dimension.
We can help and draw our leaders out of the third density and our selves by practicing the following:

DNA activation
Ascension of diet
Ascension of mind
Activation of Light Body

Light & Love from the Inter Galactic Alliance

Connected to the divine telepathic network of the universe (Prime Creator)

The Prime Creator of all is connected to our energies or chakras. When we learn to telepathically communicate with the divine we will draw knowledge into ourselves without studying from a book or being taught from another avatar. In other words the knowledge of the universe is accessible to all through high-energy universal telepathy. To access the knowledge of the Prime Creator Force through telepathy one must clean their chakras from negative energies (attitudes, beleifs, & physical blockages) there's six chakra third eye pineal gland to the frequency of the divine source.
What is the frequency of the divine source? The best word to describe this is love.

Hollow Earth, Atlantis and Origin of Humans Part One Dawn Of The God...

Monday, September 21, 2015

From Omnivore to Bretharian in 7 days!

From a demon to an angel in 7 days. My whole Conscious (Spiritual) outlook (views) on life changed in this time.

From eating everything to being nourished completely by light has been a huge transformation. I encourage everyone to do it or at least try it.

Day 1
Morning: Processed ham, beef, cheese and weiners with 750ml of red bull and 2 Pepsi 330ml.
Evening: Grapes and Tomato
Day 2 grapes only

Day 3 grapes and urine

Day 4 grapes n urine

Day 5 urine n grape juice

Day 6 urine n exercise n light

Day 7 light

Fear Nothing! Illuminated Illuminati Masters

The Illuminati or the ascending masters, Luciferians are connecting with the Annunaki Ashtar, Arcturians and the wisdom of many of the original creators of planet Gaia

Vibrarion of bactieria in meat and dairy

This is the vibration of draconians.
Meat and dairy teachers are quite often controlled and manipulated by these entities because of the vibration of food that they are regularly consuming. Vegan you are! Better yet Raw Vegan or Fruitarian.

Blood activates the third eye

The living enzymes in rare meat will activate your third eye especially when eaten excessively. Cooking was introduced by controlling aliens to feed your body with that food to close your mind. To open it again simply quit the Crypt rude and move to a raw diet & 2 open up your mind quickly move to a mano rare diet where you eat just one raw food (like sweet meat or fruit) in excess.

HuMan lives off Light ONLY, Lightarian

All of creation lives off of light to see degree. The term Light Being refers to the part of us that IS Solo light.
When one seperates from the bacteria and parasites of the old age one can clearly connect with the light and be God, Prime Creator, E.T.

Mono Eaters Unite! Light, Prana, Fruit, Veg

Whether you're a light prana fruit or vegetable eater mono will put you into contact with your higher spiritual entities. The creator of the light or whatever you consume will be accessible through telepathy or astral travel when that vibrational energy is consumed singularity.

When I consumed a bag of potato chips after not consuming anything for one night I was taken into the astral room where the draconian creators of the chips spoke to me.
The vibration of the foods that you consume put your third eye into contact with the wavelength of the creators of those foods.
The Annunaki created many of the fruits on Gaia. When eating enough of just one food like cherries for 7 days one will hallucinate the designers of these. When in the hallucination you may resent your question have conversations and get to know these spirits, demons or E.T.s.

Luciferians such as the Draconian Zeta grey and reptilian aliens are the ones who manufacture all of the process and chemistry and genetically altered altitude of the modern Western world today.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Galactic Federation of Light The Ashtar Command Must Read!

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New Age of Aquarius:
The Galactic Federation of Light


The Galactic Federation of Light
The Ashtar Command - The Solar Star Command
The Abundance Program

To be familiar with the Galactic Federation, the forces of light and their activities.
Note that this section is a part of the awakening course which can be found on the navigation to the left and is meant to be read in sequence from the top to the bottom. Please click on the next page link at the bottom of each page to proceed with the course. Thank you for your understanding.
The Galactic Federation of Light

The Galactic Federation of Light, which was mentioned in many of the channeled messages of Salusa and Commander Sohin as well as in the books of Courtney Brown, are here to assist us during this ascension process against the dark forces.

The Earth has been quarantined by the Galactic Federation of Light in order to curb the activities of the dark forces. There are large numbers of space fleets surrounding Earth and there are no activities in our sky that goes unnoticed by them. The quarantine will be removed once the dark forces on Earth have been effectively vanquished.

The Galactic Federation of Light is similar to the United Federation of Planets we see in the Star Trek Series. They are not of Earth and are therefore extraterrestrials. Humans of Earth will eventually be a part of the Galactic Federation.

They have discreetly done many things for us such as:

Disabling nuclear missiles
Neutralizing the nanotechnology substance that are infused into vaccines
Mitigating the radiation emitted from the nuclear crisis in japan
Intervening on the use of HAARP
Clearing the oil spill in the Gulf Coast
Neutralizing chemtrails in certain areas
Cleaning up pollutions in certain areas
After World War II, the representatives of the Galactic Federation of Light made contact with the Unites States government to warn them of the extraterrestrials from the Orion Empire which the Unites States government had a secret First Contact with. The representatives are known to be human-looking.

The Galactic Federations of Light have a Prime Directive of not directly interfering with us until enough of us are aware of their presence so that they can appear more openly and without us fearing them. That is a reason why there are increasing UFO sightings all around the world during recent times.

The Norway Spiral was created by the Galactic Federation to serve as a friendly "Hello!" message of informing us to their presence.

The Galactic Federation of Light has technologies that are exceptionally advanced. They understand how the universe works and the nature of our reality. They have a profound understanding of consciousness and how to incorporate its use into their technology.

As such, their knowledge on the very fabric of our universe allows them to warp from place to place, to perform time travel, inter-dimensional travel as well as teleportation. They could also create things out of thin air, essentially by using equipment known as replicators that can reassemble atoms and molecules. It is also possible with the use of consciousness to manifest things without using equipment.

The Galactic Federation of Light is an alliance of highly spiritual beings of different star systems many of which are humanoid types. Some of them look just like us.

Those of the Galactic Federation of Light has their roots in the higher realms where they draw divine spiritual energies from within to produce better life situations and to promote life. They are known to be generous and naturally enjoy working for the benefits of others. They are willing if necessary to even sacrifice themselves to ensure the welfare and harmony of others.

This is in contrast to those from the dark side who derive their life force and energies from others. These dark forces are of a self-serving nature and generally have an overall desire as well as tendency to control, kill and cause destruction.

Most if not all of those from the Galactic Federation of Light experience and understand the oneness of all things and they are in a state of being known as "Full Consciousness". This state of being is multi-dimensional in nature.

While humans on Earth are known to have layers of veils covering their perception and are therefore experiencing a form of separateness from other life. A part of the ascension process is which humans return to the state of being fully conscious.

Earth with her human inhabitants is being regarded as a child planet by our more evolved human brothers and sisters in the Galactic Federation. As we are all family, our older space brothers and sisters are dutifully looking after us, their siblings, to move forward during these exciting times known as Ascension.

Even though the Galactic Federation of Light is here to assist humanity during this exciting transition decreed by heaven, they are generally forbidden to interfere with the free will of those on Earth and therefore will not be doing everything for us. This resulted in a plan to awaken humanity from within and then from outside.

Therefore, numerous of these highly evolved beings from the Galactic Federation of Light have incarnated here on Earth since decades ago to specifically work on this special point in time to heal others, to bring in light to the planet and also to provide information to the collective consciousness.

This world is seen as a Reptilian/Orion world by the Galactic Federation of Light and the other forces of the universe. It is understood to be a planet of darkness that has had Light patches but is now seeking to break completely into the Light.

Those who have incarnated to assist at this time need to do the deepest work in their lives, both of this life and of other lifetimes, so that they will be in the highest state of Light as they approach Ascension.

Below is an example of the different places in which these beings could be related to.

Agartha (See Hollow Earth)
They are usually called Wanderers, Starseeds, Indigo Children, Indigo Adults, Crystal Children, Wayshowers and all of them are generally known as Lightworkers. In a manner of speaking, these groups of people are considered to be the ground forces of Light.

Many of these individuals have also been in direct contact with the Galactic Federation through various means.

Dolores Cannon, a past-life regression therapist and hypnotherapist whom I have mentioned earlier, found out from her client as well as from souls, entities and group consciousness of her clients' subconscious, information pertaining to the three waves of souls that are incarnated and are incarnating here on Earth. They are a part of the Forces of Light and many of them are living among us now. Below is a video on her talk about the three waves.

The Forces of Light consists of highly evolved souls many of which are now on earth incarnated or in spirit. They include higher inter-dimensional light beings such as the Ascended Masters and those of the Angelic Hierarchy who have been actively helping out on earth.

For a long time the Galactic Federation of Light have constantly delayed their plans for a mass First Contact because of the threat that has been issued by the Orion/Reptilian faction to the galactic federation the threat of mass annihilation of the population if they did show themselves in First Contact.

The Ashtar Command - The Solar Star Command

The Solar Star Command is a part of the Galactic Federation of Light that is currently attending to Earth affairs. They work with the Ascended Masters under the directions of the Galactic Federation to achieve their divine mission.

The Solar Star Command currently oversees the space around Earth and do battle with dark forces just like in Star Trek or Star Wars. They monitor whatever major activities that are planned or taking place and also liaise with the ground forces that are on Earth.

The Solar Star Command was previously known as the famous Ashtar Command. However, the name Ashtar Command has been assumed to be used and abused by dark forces to such an extent that the name can no longer be effectively used. It is important to know that there are many genuine Lightworkers still using the name Ashtar Command.

Higher beings known to be a part of the Solar Star Command by alphabetical order are Ashtar Sheran, Hatonn, Sananda Esu Immanuel and Vrillon. Note that Sananda Esu Immanuel is Lord Jesus Christ.

The Solar Star Command, known as the Ashtar Galactic Command then, had attempted to contact Earth before through their communications director, Vrillon, during the year 1977 where it was reported that the ITN broadcast was disrupted. Here is the transcript of the alien broadcast.

The mention of Ashtar, Hatonn and Sananda can be found in many various channeled messages. Do use discernment when reading channeled messages from various sources.

Information about the Solar Star Command / Ashtar Command can be found here.

The Abundance Program

The Forces of Light have come up with an abundance program that will help remove the problems that the dark forces have instilled in the financial system of capitalism.

An aspect of this is known as NESARA, acronym for National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It is a program that will assist to transform the whole economic system and help everyone lessen their financial worries.

Evolution includes the fulfillment of our survival needs so that we have the capacity to think and engage in things of a higher nature.

For example, extremely efficient free energy technology exists and had been kept from us by the Dark Cabals. Once these technology have been released to the public, there is a possibility that there will be cheaper or no utility bills, fresh water can also be easily converted from sea water. There will be so many changes on a global basis.

Note that there are many misinformation created by the dark forces pertaining to NESARA on the internet so please be careful.

On the world stage, the BRICS alliance is battling it out on the financial and economic front with the Dark Cabals.

The BRICS alliance is made up of more than hundreds of nations and they are the allies of the Galactic Federation of Light on Earth. After they crush the nefarious financial system of the Illuminati, they will assist to spearhead the abundance program to benefit the people on Earth.


I have brought up to you sources that are apparently independent to that of Courtney Brown and to have so many other sources that support what Courtney stated in his books, it is obvious that something is going on here.

It is evident that the content of Courtney's book is valid to a great extent and I have verified the content from the work of others. From here we can see that remote viewing, as well as with many other phenomena that are out of the norm, are real and possible. This includes the existence of different timelines as well.

Everything is all interrelated and it all makes perfect sense. Plenty of phenomena that were once mysterious are now being explained. Many more will come in the time to come. Are you able to grasp anything yet? I hope you did.

What exactly is the New Age and what is happening in the bigger scheme of things during this New Age transition?


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Sunday, September 13, 2015

UHP - Telepathy & the Arcturians Part 1 of 4 with Jasmuheen

Living on Chi, Prana, Energy instead of food

One can live off of their Soul, Spirit, Chi, Prana, energy and be 100% nourished.
When the human is in the unconditional love state he or she is naturally drawing from this inner light or DOW (Divine One Within).
Everytime one draws energy from within they feel it pulsate throughout the body.

Before giving up food entirly one must clean and heal the body.
We recommend a process of gradually bringing oneself away from food and through a detox process become one with the inner light and loose all desire for external food.

The Illuminati will Murder All Humans accept 500 million (Satans agenda for Depopulation)


There is an agenda by the Dark Ones to depopulate billions of people on earth. In their perspective, there are too many people for them to control effectively and the population growth is depleting resources.
This plan to reduce population by famine, pestilence and biological warfare, was drafted by the U.S. State Department's Office of Population Affairs in a document called "Global 2000" for the Carter administration. The Club of Rome was involved with the plan.
In 1979, during President Jimmy Carter's terms in office, the Georgia Guidestone was ordered to be constructed by Elberton Granite Finishing Company at the hilltop in Elbert County, Georgia. The monument was unveiled in March 1980. On the Guidestone was engraved a set of ten guidelines in eight different languages.
  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.
The first guideline is quite disturbing, because it is essentially suggesting a policy of depopulation. The construction of the Guidestone coincides quite nicely with the creation of the Global 2000 report. Essentially, the depopulation agenda is very real and the Georgia Guidestone can be considered to be a significant physical evidence of it.
"I have already written off more than a billion people. These people are in places in Africa, Asia, Latin America. We can't save them. The population crisis and the food supply question dictate that we should not even try.
It's a waste of time. These people will suffer from continuous cycles of natural disaster, famine, hunger, flood, drought. Some old fools and young ones may talk of trying to mount a noble effort to help these people.
But they can't be saved."
-General Maxwell Taylor, former commander-in-chief of the U.S. forces during the Vietnam War, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John Kennedy.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

How to Develop Telepathy

Telepathy is one of the most beautiful Psychic Powers. It is known as mind to mind communication, (Tele means- distance and pathy means- feelings) which is feelings exchanging between two minds and in an advanced stage this can be done between multiple minds. When we learn new things it takes some time for us to learn effectively but if we compare this time with others then we can find different results for different persons..i.e., some people learn much faster and others much slower. This happens due to lack of:-belief in psychic powers existence, concentration power, self believe, patience and persistence. So before developing any kind of psychic power this one should develop those above abilities...then powers can be developed much more faster. It is a guide in which one can learn Telepathy and Mind Reading.

Develop Telepathy Step 1
Find someone (a receiver) to whom you will send the telepathic message, make sure that you are close to the receiver and not just picking a random person.

Step 2
Find a place where nobody will be able to disturb you. Now calm your mind relax.

Step 3
Whatever you have written in your psychic diary read it with feelings and try to visualize that you are actually telling it to your receiver.

Step 4
Fill your message with right feelings.

Step 5
Now with closed or opened eyes visualize your receiver. You can only visualize his face 1–2 feet (0.3–0.6 m) away from you
Develop Telepathy Step 6.jpg

See a mental video in which your message in form of your favorite colour entering in his mind or brain.
A telepathic message reaches maximum speed faster than light. Your intuition will tell you that it reached.

Step 7
Ask your receiver about your message and tell him the time of his message receiving.If he responds positively about his receiving then you have successfully send your message. Remember: Ask him in such a way that he can never understand about your telepathy act. Or else he can think you as freak and make you negative.The power is yours not his it is you who is increasing or tapping into the unused power.

Step 8
Daily practice and you will be able to do this much more effectively and easily.
Once you master this ability, you will see how useful it is it needs network no boundary it can pass though almost anything.

How to live without food! No longer have to Eat for the rest of your life!! (Becoming a Lightarian Living without Eating & being Immortal)

A lightarian is someone who absorbes energy from light and lives only off of light!
Everyone draws light energy from their internal chakra system.
Many members of the intergalacticalliance practice lightarianism on a regular basis.

I have been in telepathic communication with beings who have been lightarians for 1000s of years such as the Arcturians. Every body draws energy from their soul and when we resonate cosmic love we feel this inside out emporing energy. When one has an amazing conversation with someone and they can feel energy coming from their chakras. When someone can't eat because they are "love sick" it is because their body detoxifying itself from the strong internal energy that is within that being.

We draw energy from so many sources every day! Lightarians control the body enough to direct the energy consumption from the Spirit, Soul or Chakras.

Subscribe for more Lightarian updates.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How to become Immortal & Reverse Ageing

Immortal beings have clean bodies, chakras, that illuminate cosmic love from their auras. They draw energy from the purest sources such as light, prana, and or air.
To become immortal first you must give up everything that makes you mortal.
Death makes man mortal.
Rule #1
Most importantly no cooked (dead) food or drink must no longer be consumed. This includes things like flour and sugar for they are without living enzymes.
Replace what you used to consume with fresh raw organic fruit and herbs. Eat Raw & be a mono eater, one food at a time for digestion.
Rule #2
Fast. Drink plenty of raw living liquids but consume no solid food.
Clean your colon by doing enemas and colonics until it is free and soft on the inside from one end to another.

Overall make the best health choices you now how.
Rule #3
Get ride of all hate, pride, ego and replace these with Love, Humility, and Sacred Self (selflessness).

Rule #4
Connect with Nature, the Universe
Get outside often, go to parks lay your hands and spine against trees and draw energy from them. Take your shoes off and connect telepathically with Gaia Earth!

Rule #5
Full your Chakras with Light & Prana Energy. When you stop eating and your body is purified & full of unconditional cosmic love you will naturally draw your energy from the light.
More on this can be studies under Breatharianism.
Good luck, Blessings and Love on your quest to become immortal :)

Ashtar Sheran

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Quit Using Money, No Bank Account, No Cash

Living Without Money

What is it like to live without money one might ask. Answer: one of the most freeing feelings and availability for creativity and life.
I, the writer of this blog have no bank account, no credit or debit cards, no cash and no worries. I live on an Island where I know many people who have money like I used too.

Why did I decide to quit using money? Because I felt the call of the Universe, Gaia Earth & humanity to depend on her to provide everything.

There used to be no money on this planet in the past when it operated in perfection. There are still many cultures that exist that do not use money. In Agartha there is no money, the hippies have quit using money, many people like myself have chosen not to touch money.

I have become so much more in touch with nature and my true self since I decided to make this move.

Stay tuned for more about this life choice.